My future skinning site, provided I will ever get over the "filter-frenzy"
Published on November 20, 2023 By aufisch In Start Menu Products

As it says in the title. The last thing anybody wants when being in the middle of a heated battle, or attempting that difficult jump, is the game withdrawing to the taskbar and a popup telling me that Start11(2) has a new update............Not interested, not right now, definitively not right now! 


Would it be possible to code it so that it only gives you that popup for example within a couple of minutes after starting the computer?



on Nov 20, 2023

Sorry to hear you are having issues. I believe you can turn off update check in Start11 itself. Have you tried those. Also if you have ObjectDesktop manager you could also disable update check in there.

As for your request, I have forwarded your request to the Stardock Support Team for their review and recommendations. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We really do appreciate your feedback, Thanks

Stardock Community Assistant.

on Nov 20, 2023

Thanks Basj!

I don't really want to turn it off, as those updates might be important bug quenching, and my goldfish-brain won't be able to remember to update manually.

So let's hope a more gamer-friendly way to update gets implemented. 


on Mar 02, 2024

Very sorry to necro this thread, but I just ran into this today in the middle of playing Elden Ring while I was fighting something. It caused me to die and lose some progress.

The Start11 updater window appeared over the game (since it's borderless windowed). I decided to let the update download in the background, and then the installer window appeared over the game a 2nd time!

Why is Start11 and its updater/installer taking priority over everything else and displaying over fullscreen games? This seriously needs to be changed.

I don't want to disable automatic updates because I'd like to get them, but this invasive app behavior is horrible. I recommend displaying a native Windows 10 / 11 notification and allowing that to launch the updater from there. It ties into the OS and doesn't disturb users, and users can manage their preferences around notifications on their own.




on Mar 02, 2024


Very sorry to necro this thread, but I just ran into this today in the middle of playing Elden Ring while I was fighting something. It caused me to die and lose some progress.

The Start11 updater window appeared over the game (since it's borderless windowed). I decided to let the update download in the background, and then the installer window appeared over the game a 2nd time!

Why is Start11 and its updater/installer taking priority over everything else and displaying over fullscreen games? This seriously needs to be changed.

I don't want to disable automatic updates because I'd like to get them, but this invasive app behavior is horrible. I recommend displaying a native Windows 10 / 11 notification and allowing that to launch the updater from there. It ties into the OS and doesn't disturb users, and users can manage their preferences around notifications on their own.

Sorry to hear you are having issues. Need to know, you was updating from which Start11 version to whict version?

Thank you
Stardock Community Assistant.

on Mar 03, 2024

I'm not sure which version I was using before, but whatever the most current was just before 2.06. I updated to 2.06 today.


on Mar 03, 2024

I have forwarded your problem/question to Stardock Support Team for their assistance. Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates. We appreciate your feedback and patience.

Stardock Community Assistant